Luxury Real Estate & Commercial Property

“Cinematic” | “Music Video”

Edit Samples


“The Cinematic Edit”

Available In 15 | 30 | 60 | 90+ Second Cuts


Malibu Canyon Apartments wanted to stand apart from its competition by showing the surrounding area as “part of their residents’ daily experience” rather than just bullet-points on a brochure.

So they combined a Cinematic Edit with a Virtual Tour style cut for this compelling piece of content. . .


Sotheby’s wanted to stage and license footage from local attractions to highlight this exclusive Latigo Canyon estate.


Avenue 8 (In collaboration with Sotheby’s) used a similar style for their property listing as well…



“The Music Video Edit”

Available In 15 | 30 | 60 | 90+ Second Cuts


South Bay Developers has a pair of sister properties just a few blocks away from the 5th and 7th Street promenades located in downtown San Pedro.

They wanted to highlight the building’s proximity to the harbor as well as some of the area’s brand new highlights that are attracting much more affluent clientele to its “Live | Work | Play” Community.


Wrapping up the final details and preparing the building for occupation, South bay Developers wanted to create a really dynamic video to show their investors a progress report and a preview of coming attractions. . .



Aerial Photography | 4K Drone Video
